Tag Archives: Professional

Birthday Presents and Remembrance Presents

Joshua’s birthday is coming up a lot sooner than I would like for it to, cause then graduation and his internship are just around the corner. I like to consider myself an expert gift giver, as long as I have at least a month to prepare. I spend hours looking at different items, researching them, and comparing prices, trying to find the perfect gift that they will love and be able to use. Maybe I am in a secret competition with their other friends to give the gift they never knew they wanted but now can’t live without…yes I definitely am! After a couple days of intense deliberation, I picked this invicta watch:

ImageI want him to be taken seriously as he embarks on this new phase of his life. He is going to be dressing well, standing up straight, shining his shoes, combing his hair, giving firm handshakes, and he will have the perfect finishing touch, a watch. It is this final detail that shows his personality in an otherwise generic buisness uniform of suit and tie, and as he networks and shakes hundreds of hands it will be a subtle message that he should be taken seriously.

Another thing I have been thinking about recently is slightly cheesy, but still a very serious thought. I want to get something small for both of us with the other persons initials on it that we could wear at all times without it being flashy and cumbersome.


Obviously, the rectangle would be for him and the heart for me, both are less than half an inch big, which I think is perfect. He already wears a necklace with a star of David charm on it, so it wouldn’t be a completely foreign idea to him. I tend to be a little paranoid about things, would this be jinxing my relationship, or would it be a cute reminder of the other person?

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